
MCS 流動咖啡服務 Round 2 – 中國平安保險股份有限公司


上一次 Barista HK 流動咖啡服務()在官網正式公怖後, 我們成功將全新概念帶到中國平安保險股份有限公司 (https://baristahk.com/流動咖啡服務正式在香港啟動/)


Barista HK是一專業的團隊,為你度身訂造一站式的咖啡活動,讓你的客戶對稱心滿意,賓至如歸。我們更能夠提供專業意見及顧問,倘若貴公司對我們的服務或課程有興趣,歡迎與我們聯絡查詢。


Last time we mentioned the official launch of Baristia’s HK Mobile Coffee Station at CitiBank (https://baristahk.com/流動咖啡服務正式在香港啟動/), this time we brought this concept to Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. at their 2014 Annual Media Gathering!

 We saw lots of happy faces from guests making latte art and enjoying their handcrafted coffee.

Our professional team offers first-class and customized services dedicated to you. We are able to offer a seamless service of which we are proud of and hence, we help to enhance your relationship with your clients. If your company is interested to work with Barista HK, please contact us for more details.


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