Coffee Education & Leisure Learning
One of our aim was bring the idea about "What is good Coffee" to everyone who would like to understand more what they drinking of everyday.

Coffee Related Products
We carry different kind/brand of coffee products to fulfil different customer needs, such as espresso machine, grinder, knock box, tamper, milk pitcher, drippers, drip kettles...etc.

Corporate Events
We have cooperate with different company's for holding different workshops/event. We can also provide on-site workshop.
Speciality Coffee Association (SCA) Coffee Skills Program
Introduction to Coffee
Introduction to Coffee is an ideal module for anyone who is new to the coffee industry or just has an interest in this wonderful drink.
Green Coffee
The Green Coffee module covers the key concepts surrounding green coffee, from growing the plant, through processing, shipping, storage and arrival at a roaster.
Sensory Skills
Sensory Skills teaches you the essentials of sensory evaluation in a practical and interactive manner.
Roasting gives you an understanding of the roasting process, including the roast cycle and how to control sensory aspects of the coffee by roasting light or dark.
The study of Brewing introduces you to the different ways of brewing coffee, from Chemex and siphon to clever dripper and French press.
Barista Skills
Barista Skills is for people focussing on the key skills required to set your grinder, make espresso and foam and texture milk for cappuccinos.