
Speciality Coffee Association (SCA)

SCA Coffee Roasting Skills Intermediate

SCA Certificate - Coffee Roasting (Intermediate)

Students are tested in their understanding of and skills in designing and executing different positive roast profiles as well their sensory recognition of different roast defects.
Students are introduced to different chemical conditions and principles that cause the physical properties and reactions introduced at foundation level.
It is expected that they are able to name these reactions and what they cause in terms of the physical and sensory properties of the final coffee.

The pass mark of 70% means that the practical and theoretical tests need to be done satisfactory to pass and become certified.
Successful students will be awarded the SCA Coffee Skills Program Certificate.

Pre-requisites for participation in the Intermediate certification process:
- Roasting Foundation
- Sensory Foundation
- Green Coffee Foundation

Course Content Includes:
- Heat transfer
- Basic roasting and the roasting cycle
- Basic properties and changes
- Machine construction
- Workspace management

(Will issued SCA Coffee Skills Program Certificate if the Exams PASSED)
(Course fee including Exam & Certificate fee)

Please register your interest by submit the form or sending us an email.

精品咖啡協會證書課程 - 咖啡烘焙課程 (中級)

課程內容可助各學員擁有充分的知識及技能,從而通過5個小型技術測試及1個筆試(70% 為合格分數)。
通過考試的學員,將可獲得 精品咖啡協會-Coffee Skills Program 證書一張!

參加此課程前最好已考獲以下 SCA 認證:
- 咖啡烘焙初級
- 味覺感官初級
- 咖啡生豆初級

- 熱能轉換
- 基礎烘焙和烘焙程序
- 基礎特性和變化
- 機器結構
- 工作區域管理

(如所有考試合格,將獲頒發 SCA Coffee Skills Program 的合格證書)


Starting Date

Where: Barista HK workshop
Price: $15,500/head
Class Size: Maximum 4 person
Length: Totally 16-18 hours (including exams)
(Course fee including Exam & Certificate fee)

See HERE for updated schedule

Enquiry Form

    您的姓名 〈需填寫〉

    您的電子郵件信箱 〈需填寫〉

    主旨 〈需填寫〉
