Speciality Coffee Association (SCA) Certificate – Coffee Roasting (Foundation)
This course will give you an understanding of the roasting process and the key determining factors in heating control, changing reactions, coffee defects, roasting methods and roasting machines.
The course provides you with the key information to enable you to sit your Foundation Level Roasting qualification which consists of 3 short practical exam and a written exam (pass rate of 60 % required).
Successful students will be awarded 5 points towards the SCA Coffee Skills Program.
Course Content Includes:
– key factors heating control and changing reactions
– roasting methods
– roasting machines
(Will issued SCA Certificate if the Exams PASSED)
(Course fee including Exam & Certificate fee)

精品咖啡協會證書課程 – 咖啡烘焙課程 (初級)
課程內容可助各學員擁有充分的知識及技能,從而通過3個小型技術測試及1個筆試(60% 為合格分數)。
通過考試的學員,將可獲得 SCA 精品咖啡協會-Coffee Skills Program 學分5分及證書一張!
– 加熱控制和改變當中反應的關鍵因素
– 烘焙的方法
– 烘焙機的介紹
(如所有考試合格,將獲頒發 SCA 的合格證書)