
SCA Certificate – Brewing (Foundation) (SCA咖啡沖煮證書-初級) ($3200)

SCA Certificate - Brewing (Foundation) (SCA咖啡沖煮證書-初級) ($3200)


11:00 - 18:00


Bookings closed


Tsuen Wan@Barista HK Workshop
Tsuen Wan, Tsuen Wan,, Tsuen Wan, 852, N.T.

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Speciality Coffee Association (SCA) – Brewing Foundation Certificate

The course provides you with the key information to enable you to sit for your Brewing Foundation certification, which consists of a written exam (pass rate of 60% required).
Successful students will be awarded a certificate towards the SCA Coffee Skills Program.

Course content includes:

– What is Speciality Coffee
– Your greens – Arabica and Robusta
– The Basics of Roasting
– Brewing Guidelines
– Various brewing methods

(10% off  if apply both Foundation & Intermediate at the same time)

(Course fee including Exam & Certificate fee)
(SCA Certificate will be issued if the Exams ALL PASSED)



精品咖啡協會 – 咖啡沖煮/手沖(初級)

課程內容可助各學員擁有充分的知識及技能,從而通過 1個筆試(60% 為合格分數)。
通過考試的學員,將可獲得 精品咖啡協會-咖啡技能計劃 證書一張!


-認識Arabica 及Robusta

(如同時報讀 Foundation, Intermediate & Professional 均可享9折優惠)

(如所有考試合格, 將獲頒發 SCA 的合格證書)

Other SCA classes:

SCA CSP Coffee Brewing Module

SCA CSP Barista Skills Module

SCA CSP Sensory Skills Module

SCA CSP Coffee Roasting Module

SCA CSP Green Coffee Module


Other non-certificate classes:

Home Brewing/Dripping Class

Coffee Roasting Class

Coffee Tasting Class


Bookings are closed for this event.