
LatteArt in OFFICE? 將拉花帶進公司!


Have you ever thought of making your own latte art coffee in the office? What are the reasons holding you back – technical difficulties or lack of equipments to do so? Here at Barista HK we will show you how to make your own magic cup by providing all the equipments & facilities, commercial coffee machines, coffee grinders, and milk.  Our professional instructors will teach each student how to make a perfect cup of Espresso with moderate temperature creamy foam and latte art techniques. It is not difficult at all to learn latte art at work! 

Last Friday (13 September, 2013), we worked with Credit Agricole again to bring the joy and fun of learning the fine skills of latte art. I was really appreciated to see our students making use of their lunch time to learn more about coffee – from understanding a bit more about coffee to creating latte art . A lady who couldn’t attend the class due to full house secretly asked me a question after class: how to use Nespresso to create perfect froth and latte art? I believe many owners of Nespresso also wonder the same thing. Let me do a demonstration soon and share with you when the opportunity comes.

你有否想過在自已公司裡喝到一杯自己親手做的拉花咖啡嗎?是技術不足還是設備不夠齊全?竅門秘訣盡在 ﹣Barista HK !

我們會提供所有配套,專業的咖啡機,咖啡豆研磨器,濃滑牛奶都一應俱全,導師將帶領學員製作出一杯完美標準的Espresso ,溫度適中的幼滑奶泡,以及細心的教導正確的拉花姿勢,使每位學員能夠拉出及畫出漂亮的圖案。所以,要在公司裡學拉花也絕非難事 😎 ! 

上星期五(13-09-2013)和東方匯理銀行(Credit Agricole) 再次合作,將拉花教學帶進公司。看到每一位學員由零知識到學有所成,心中很快慰。有一位女仕因為參加人數額滿而不參與今次活動,在活動完結後偷偷問我怎樣可以用Nespresso去打奶及拉花,相信這個問題是每一位擁有Nespresso咖啡機的疑問。我就很快做了一些示範,拉出圖案,致於怎樣做?有機會再和大家分享 😉 !

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