
Apr 2024

SCA Certificate - Sensory Skills (Foundation) ($3200)

SCA Certificate - Sensory Skills (Foundation) ($3200)

11:00 - 19:00
Speciality Coffee Association (SCA) - Sensory Skills Foundation Certificate This course is designed to introduce core sensory skills to those with no previous experience. It investigates [...]
Home Brewing - Beginner 下午班($480)

Home Brewing - Beginner 下午班($480)

This course takes you through a wide range of home filter methods. Course content include, - Introduction to Coffee - Basic Green Bean Botany - [...]
SCA Certificate - Coffee Roasting (Foundation) ($3200)

SCA Certificate - Coffee Roasting (Foundation) ($3200)

11:00 - 19:00
Speciality Coffee Association (SCA) Certificate – Coffee Roasting (Foundation) This course will give you an understanding of the roasting process and the key determining factors [...]
Latte Art - Beginner 下午班($480)

Latte Art - Beginner 下午班($480)

15:00 - 17:00
Course Content Includes: - Introduction to Basic Espresso Making - Introduction to Steaming Milk Foam - Free Pouring and Etching Tutorial & Trial - Target Latte Art Styles Making (HEART, TULIP)
Barista Skill - Beginner 下午班($980)

Barista Skill - Beginner 下午班($980)

14:00 - 19:00
  Barista Skill – Beginner The first step in becoming a professional Barista. This workshop includes, - understanding the concept of 'Barista' - the techniques [...]

May 2024

SCA Certificate - Sensory Skills (Intermediate) ($13800)

SCA Certificate - Sensory Skills (Intermediate) ($13800)

11/05/2024 - 19/05/2024    
10:00 - 18:00
Speciality Coffee Association (SCA) – Sensory Skills (Intermediate) This course is ideal for someone already working in the area who wants to develop their knowledge [...]

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